lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2014

Preguntas a la anterior Au Pair

Como en muchos blogs que pudieron haber leído sobre Au Pair y el mío no es la excepción, acá les comento que cuando están en la entrevista con la que puede ser su futura host family, siempre es de mucha ayuda preguntar si anteriormente tuvieron Au Pair y si se podrían comunicar con ella. Hablar con la anterior y/o actual Au Pair siempre es de mucha ayuda porque hay cosas que puedes preguntarle cosas que ha vivido con la familia y cuáles son sus pros y sus contras y como seria tu rutina realmente. Aquí te dejo una lista de las preguntas que les puedes hacer a la Au Pair.

Sobre la familia

  • Do parents treat you like a family member? or The treatment is more employee-boss? 
  • What are the pros and cons of working for them?
  • Have you had any attitude that you did not like? How is that? How are they resolved? 
  • Does parental work interferes with your work as an Au Pair? 
  • Does your family usually hosts parties? 
  • Do you have pets? Should you take care of it? 
  • Do you travel a lot? 
  • Do you include on these trips? 
  • Are you satisfied with them? 
  • Do you normally they eat? 
  • Are you / you had good communication with family?
  • Why you have not extended?

Sobre Los Niños

  • In general, how are the children? Are they obedient? 
  • How is the personality of each? Are they prone to tantrums? 
  • What activities do you do with them? 
  • Invite buddies to the house? 
  • Do you normally they eat? 
  • What if you had a problem with the child as you handled? 
  • What are your favorite foods?

Sobre el trabajo

  • Are your days and free time are respected? 
  • Do you end doing more work cleaning agreed in the contract? 
  • Do I need to use much the car? 
  • Would you lend? 
  • How is the discipline imposed by parents? 
  • Do you get paid in a timely manner? 
  • Do you allow spending money children?
  • How is the cordinadora of area?
  • Stretched out your stay as an au pair? and if not, why you not stretched out?

El Entorno

  • How is the house?
  • And your room? 
  • Should you share a bathroom or have your own? 
  • Does the home is located in a nearby metro stations instead, bus, train? 
  • Are there universities nearby? 
  • Are there places where people our age know about? 
  • Does the city has good transport to travel to other places, cities, etc? 
  • Is there Au Pairs near you? 
  • Do you have a cleaning lady?
  • How is the cordinadora of area?

Tiempo libre y vacaciones

  • Are your days off and holidays were respected? 
  • Were you able to travel out of town? 
  • Did you spend with family dates such as Christmas, New Year, etc? 
  • How many weekends you had a month? 
  • How was your curfew? 
  • Did you have freedom to wear the clothes you wanted? 
  • What places should I visit? 
  • Would you lend your car in your spare time or just was to take the kids
  • How many had free weekends per month?
  • Could you split your vacations?


  • Do you miss something you forgot to pack? 
  • What do you recommend me to bring in my luggage?

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